Judge meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Judge
As noun : अक्षदर्शक Ex:  The accused sat impassively as the judge sentenced him to her years in prison.
अक्षपटल Ex:  The judge said to the criminal,"The counts against you are many". अक्षपाटक Ex:  the judge set bail at $10,000 अधिकरणभोजक Ex:  the judge listened to the accused unsympathetically अनुमान करना Ex:  The judge pronounced life imprisonment for the convict. अनुमान लगाना Ex:  The judge was not fully persuaded by the evidence. अभिज्ञ Ex:  a judge who is broad-minded but even-handed अम्पायर Ex:  He brought in a new judge उ:   वर्तमान में ये एक क्रिकेट अम्पायर हैं। अस्थाई न्यायाधिकारी Ex:  Mr.Prasad is a forceful speaker.
The lawyer with his forceful arguements could convince the judge about the
innocence of the accused.
आकलन करना Ex:  The judge has to decide about the case tommorow. ओकूब Ex:  The powers of a judge are defined by the court. कसया Ex:  The judge went on a circuit. जस्टिस Ex:  He is a good judge of art. उ:   उन्होंने ईडियन जस्टिस पार्टी की स्थापना की। जानकार Ex:  The judge allowed her claim. उ:   विभाग में फारसी, उर्दू, संस्कृत, इतिहास और अंग्रेजी के जानकार रखे गए। ज्ञाता Ex:  The judge decided for me . उ:   मानव भी उनका कुछ ज्ञाता था। तौलना Ex:  The judge released the defendant to his mother . दंड सुनाना Ex:  The judge ruled for the defendant . धर्मस्थ Ex:  He was the best program judge in the business". धर्माधिकरणिक Ex:  Etienne Lamotte observes: “To judge from the documents निरूवारना Ex:  When the judge asked Cash why he did it निर्णय करना Ex:  I am not in a position to judge निर्णय देना Ex:  It claimed that foreign governments should not judge निर्णायक Ex:  King appeared as a judge on Law & Order उ:   दादरा, नगर हवेली और गोवा के भारत विलय में संघ की निर्णायक भूमिका रही। निर्नायक Ex:  Black was befriended by A. O. Lane, a judge connected with the case. न्यायमूर्ति Ex:  The judge imposed the maximum sentence. उ:   इसके प्रथम अध्यक्ष न्यायमूर्ति रंगनाथ मिश्र थे। न्यायाधीश बनना Ex:  A Circuit Justice may sit as a judge of that circuit न्यायाधीश Ex:  , Everyone sees with his glasses, through his glasses, Everyone has their way of seeing, thinking; each judge things according to his tastes, interests, prejudices उ:   न्यायाधीश न्यायिक मामलों का प्रधान था। पारखि Ex:  A biased judge पारखी Ex:  A judge accompanied, assisted a Clerk उ:   आप संगीत और कला में अभिरुचि लेते एवं उसके उत्तम पारखी थे। पारषी Ex:  A judge can not judge outside his district पार्यतिक Ex:  A judge must hear both sides प्राडविवाक Ex:  A ten year old child is able to reason and judge फहमंद Ex:  after which, it is reported at the hearing by a judge of the court फ़ैसला सुनाना Ex:  Agree a judge बाइबल की पुस्तक Ex:  As a man he pities them, but as a judge condemning the बुधान Ex:  As far as I can judge बेता Ex:  As far as we can judge only by the महरमी Ex:  As much that we may judge by mere विचारपति Ex:  be a judge in a Court of Appeal विजिता Ex:  Do as you hear it, do as you please, as you judge about the विदत् Ex:  Externally, much as one can judge from what appears to विदथ Ex:  Extracting a prisoner from prison , drawn from the prison to take him to another, or to bring it before the judge विनिच्चय Ex:  First Instance Continued action before a first judge विशेषना Ex:  Former opposition before the judge वैदत Ex:  God is the judge of our intentions व्यवहारद्रष्टा Ex:  God will judge between you and me सुज्ञान Ex:  God will judge us according to the merit of our works सेँधा Ex:  He asked the judge to take part to
As verb : निर्णय लेना Ex:  The court comprises a chief judge
Other : आँकना Ex:  Dont try to judge my composure आज्ञा देना Ex:  Am I to judge the painting itself जज Ex:  a prejudiced judge उ:   उसके बाद सिविल एवं सेसन जज के रूप में कार्य किया। निर्णय कुशल व्यक्ति Ex:  Hume also offers a psychological evaluation of why we judge people. निर्णेता Ex:  The judge threw out all the charges. उ:   ये निर्णेता हम से सदा शुभकर्म की आशा करते हैं। न्यायकर्ता Ex:  In 1889, the Paris Salon invited Rodin to be a judge on its artistic jury. न्यायाधीश (जज Ex:  President Eisenhower expected him to be a conservative judge फैसला करना Ex:  appointement Law, Regulation by which the judge ordered that the parties produce written विभेद करना Ex:  Follow the theater, go to the theater frequently to judge in what sense are moving playwrights विवेचन करना Ex:  Follow the theater, go to the theater frequently to judge in what sense are moving playwrights
Judge ki paribhasha : divaani aur phaujadaari ke mukadamon ka phaisala karanevaala bad haakim vah jo kisi bade nyaayaalay men baithakar mukadamon aadi ke phaisale karata ho do pakshon ke vivaad ka nirnay karanevaala kisi padaarth ke gurutv ka parimaan jaanane ke liye use taraajou ya kaaante aadi par rakhana vyavahaar ya vivaad ka nirnay karanevaala vah jisamen pariksha karane ka yogyata ho
Usage of Judge in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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