Keep an eye on meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Keep an eye on
As verb : ध्यान रखना
समुपचार हवा देखा करना
Keep an eye on synonyms
protect consider attend sit treasure foster minister mother nurture ride herd on wait on pay attention to baby sit keep tabs on look after mind the store provide for take pains watch over serve adopt reflect observe conform accord obey imitate regard note emulate mimic match heed mirror harmonize cultivate copy comply abide by string along take after adhere to follow suit be consistent with be devoted to be guided by be in keeping be interested in do like give allegiance to hold fast keep abreast of live up to model on pattern oneself upon take as an example preserve patrol secure oversee defend cover escort safeguard shield lookout shepherd police bulwark chaperon screen chaperone stonewall shelter conduct superintend convoy save baby-sit shotgun cover up keep in view keep under surveillance ride shotgun for see after notice perceive discipline mark ensure govern behold discern care for be attentive give heed to have charge of listen up make certain control audit scan track survey check record counsel advise keep track of feed nourish vaccinate cradle pamper immunize further humor father inoculate encourage treat forward cherish indulge irradiate promote advance harbor medicate succor aid take care of keep alive minister to see to take charge of watch out for handle inspect direct administer run overlook boss deal with quarterback be in charge be in the saddle be on duty be responsible for call the play call the shots crack the whip preside over run the show run things sit on top of be in driver's seat subsidize finance uphold strengthen set up fund maintain sponsor raise underwrite angel stiffen stake stroke prop sustain bankroll fortify bring up attend to be a source of strength buoy up give a leg up make a living pay expenses of pay for pick up the check put up money for earn one's keep hound stalk pursue eye dog trail tag shadow bedog manage accomplish perform corral do for cater to take under wing stare check out scrutinize examine case spy concentrate rubberneck focus pipe contemplate gaze peer scope take in eyeball eagle-eye get a load of give the once over have a look-see take notice
Keep an eye on antonyms
ignore injure disregard dislike hate neglect hurt forget not care refuse release reject deny disobey pass over shun slight precede avoid scorn misunderstand let go overlook differ fight oppose disagree clash go before lead be original not get endanger harm desert uncover give up lose abandon leave lay bare miss block cease hinder impede obstruct destroy condemn starve halt stop discourage mismanage serve follow weaken dissuade let down contradict disapprove take conclude finish depress run away forsake relinquish renounce resign fail disbelieve pass by look away
Usage of Keep an eye on in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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