Keep quiet meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Keep quiet
As noun : चुप रहना Ex:  SECRET also told People that know to keep quiet and keep a secret thing
मौन उ:   शब्दहीनता को, ध्वनिहीनता को मौन मत समझ लेना।
As verb : गुप्त रखना Ex:  I have only to keep quiet छिपावना Ex:  It is best that you do not insist that you keep quiet
Keep quiet synonyms
stow stash plant cache secure shroud conceal veil screen whitewash cover stonewall withhold disguise paper deposit seclude ensconce harbor ditch bury finesse squirrel palm cover up hide out keep secret keep to oneself keep under wraps stash away sweep under rug
Keep quiet antonyms
uncover disregard ignore let go expose lay bare let out open reveal take out tell fill pour in
Usage of Keep quiet in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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