La di da meaning in hindi

How to pronounce La di da
As adjective :
La di da ki paribhasha : ding maaranevaala vyakti
La di da synonyms
apish artificial assumed awkward chichi conceited contrived counterfeit feigned fraud ham hollow imitated insincere mannered melodramatic ostentatious overdone pedantic phony pompous pretended put-on schmaltzy self-conscious shallow sham simulated spurious stiff stilted studied superficial theatrical unnatural campy counterfeited faked false gone hollywood hammy playacting high falutin' noble polite elegant aristocratic stylish refined affected chivalrous civil confined courteous courtly fashionable formal graceful intolerant mannerly polished priggish prim prissy prudish respectable straitlaced stuffy urbane well-behaved well-bred well-mannered cultivated distinguã© dainty delicate effeminate fastidious finicky fussy nice particular persnickety sissy squeamish finical too-too exclusive swank classy swanky opulent luxury grand trendy deluxe high-class ritzy modish rich smart swish artful choosy fragile showy alembicated overnice overrefined precieux stagy grandiose arty overblown exaggerated turgid assuming aureate big bombastic conspicuous extravagant flamboyant flashy flaunting flowery gaudy grandiloquent high-flown imposing inflated jazzy lofty magniloquent ornate rhetorical specious splashy tumid utopian vainglorious high-sounding euphuistic highfaluting overambitious puffed up condescending arrogant snobbish egotistical cavalier high and mighty hoity-toity snotty stuck-up superior uppity on a high horse bluenosed precise proper puritanical strait-laced victorian prim and proper
La di da antonyms
unsophisticated uncivilized boorish callous uncultured unrefined unfashionable rough rude rugged extroverted unpretentious unaffected old-fashioned inelegant destitute inferior unstylish poor lower-class useless valueless worthless inexpensive defective deficient impaired disfavored cheap common honest moderate genuine plain simple modest humble unconceited friendly
Usage of La di da in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi. 
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