Labor meaning in hindi - Labor का मतलब हिंदी में

Labor meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Labor
As noun : गर्भच्युति Ex:  Child labor is a crime.
गर्भमोक्ष Ex:  Susan was in labor for nearly eight hours . जी तोड़ कोशिश करना Ex:  As labor costs increased in Hong Kong प्रसव काल Ex:  Haywood criticized labor officials who were प्रसव Ex:  Some of these labor practices include forcing workers to have abortions उ:   प्रसव में यदि लड़की होती है। प्रोलेतेरियट Ex:  Roosevelt had massive support from the rapidly growing labor unions बहुत मुश्किल से आगे बढ़ना Ex:  In terms of labor unions मजदूर दल Ex:  As changes in the labor market for women came about मजदूर वर्ग Ex:  Manufacturing is the use of tools and labor to make things for use or sale. मजदूर Ex:  Employees can organize into labor unions उ:   मजदूर जिसे श्रमिक भी कहते हैं। मदूर Ex:  20,000 forced labor workers died there. मुटिया Ex:  As with many early labor organizations मोटिया Ex:  He supported labor movement in general श्रमजीवी वर्ग Ex:  Some labor historians and other scholars श्रमिक वर्ग Ex:  New forms of forced labor were also introduced षु, षू Ex:  Moreover, Locke anchors property in labor सुत्या Ex:  Because of its failure to protect labor rights मेहनत उ:   जिस मिट्टी से आदम बना था उस पृथ्वी पर आदम को कड़ी मेहनत करनी पड़ी।
Other : कड़ी मेहनत करना Ex:  she was in labor for six hours मजदूरी Ex:  There were also disputes between UM's administration and labor unions उ:   टेवरनियर के अनुसार मजदूरी ३ पेगोडा वार्षिक थी।
Labor ki paribhasha : hindi varanamaala men chavarg ke antargat ek vynjan varn bojh dhone ka ya isi prakaar ka aur koi chhota mota kaam
Examples Words that rhyme with labor
Labor synonyms
job industry employment energy activity exertion pull chore travail strain diligence stress grind moonlight push drudgery sweat toil endeavor effort operation exercise struggle daily grind pains gruntwork worker work force laborer help helper toiler breadwinner hireling learner hand instrument hack employee proletariat operative apprentice hard hat rank and file blue collar working people delivery childbearing parturition contractions throes birth pangs giving birth tend strive plod drive slave cultivate bear down exert oneself plug away pour it on work oneself to the bone
Labor antonyms
idleness indolence laziness lethargy inactivity indifference entertainment fun manager unemployment management hindrance obstruction check ignore laze neglect rest be lazy relax
Usage of Labor in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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