Lack meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lack
As noun : अंतभवि Ex:  The problem is aggravated by a lack of understanding.
अभाव Ex:  The project foundered because of lack of proper planning. उ:   उसके जीवन में अभाव की छाया कभी नहीं आई। अराष्ट्र Ex:  He commited suicide due to lack of money to pay back for his debt. असन्निधान Ex:  There is lack of clarity in Radhas speech. इहतियाज Ex:  He suffers from a lack of confidence. कमी के कारण Ex:  They escaped scotfree because of lack of evidence. कमी Ex:  We don't lack for new ideas . उ:   फिर भी, लिखनेवालों की कमी नहीं है। कृशत्व Ex:  We lack for nothing, thank you . खिफ्फत Ex:  Due to a lack of archaeological and historical records तखफोफ Ex:  Frustrated by lack of creative control न्यून होना Ex:  Some users switching from Windows 9x to XP disliked its lack of DOS support. प्रहाणि Ex:  Because of the lack of contemporary written records भेदबुद्धि Ex:  This was due to a lack of funding, priests, and support programs. रहित होना Ex:  Perhaps as a result of this lack of documentation विहीन होना Ex:  A number of reasons have been suggested for this lack of attention व्युद्धि Ex:  While American social classes lack defined boundaries हापन Ex:  Due to the lack of replacement teeth in most heterodontosaurids
As verb : कमी होना Ex:  The lack of buyers drove the price down .
Other : अभाय Ex:  The project was scuppered by lack of money. कमती Ex:  She has shadows under her eyes as she has been suffering from lack of sleep. खाली होना Ex:  Due to lack of urban planning throughout several decades च्युति Ex:  The weapons were never issued to the Red Army, however, because of a lack of . ज़रूरत Ex:  Pushyamitra must be acquitted through lack of proof. उ:   कोई अन्य पैरामीटर जोड़ने की ज़रूरत नहीं है। न्यूनता Ex:  The lack of an atmosphere शून्यता Ex:  Still others may lack any formal leaders हीनता Ex:  Host systems that lack a "COLOR ADJUST" trimpot
Lack ki paribhasha : aadhunik naiyaayikon ke mat ke anusaar vaisheshik shaastr men saatavaaan padaarth
Lack synonyms
loss shortfall inadequacy reduction dearth paucity absence poverty scarcity shortage shortcoming distress privation defect decrease want meagerness shrinking stint shrinkage depletion deficit abridgement exigency destitution inferiority insufficiency curtailment necessity miss default deprivation scantiness slightness retrenchment shortness exiguity insufficience require minus out be deficient in be short of be without have need of hurting for not got too little too late
Lack antonyms
success enough plenty sufficiency abundance affluence advantage perfection enlargement expansion increase extra plethora profusion surplus excess addition lot dislike have
Usage of Lack in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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