Laden meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Laden
As adjective : लदा हुआ Ex:  The soldiers returned laden with booty
लदाफँदा संभृत
Other : भरा हुआ Ex:  They were all laden with grains such as wheat and rice .
Laden ki paribhasha : kisi chij par bahut si vastuean rakhana kisi rikt paatr aadi ka kisi aur padaarth padne ke kaaran poorn hona
Laden synonyms
full oppressed burdened charged fraught encumbered hampered weighted taxed weighed down
Laden antonyms
empty light unloaded unladen
Usage of Laden in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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