Lag meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lag
As noun : अंतराल Ex:  I understand this lag in the disposal of the file. उ:   बच्चोंकेआहार में लंबे अंतराल नहीं होनी चाहिए।
पिछड़ जाना Ex:  , To lag larigot Drinking, Drinking excessively बिलम्ब उ:   करों न बिलम्ब हरो दुःख मेरो । विचाल
As verb : देर लगाना Ex:  The result is a rotor system that has less lag in the control response पश्‍च समीकरण Ex:  The first phase of growth is the lag phase पश्‍च समीभवन Ex:  The lag phase has high biosynthesis rates पिछडना Ex:  It employs absolutely speaking Leather, cloth, and other things of the same kind that easily extend when the lag पिछड़ना मन्दा
Other : परत चढ़ाना Ex:  Jamaica continued to lag economically विलंब उ:   एंड-टु-एंड विलंब और पैकेट क्षति दर का पूर्वानुमान लगाया जा सकता है।
Lag ki paribhasha : sngit ke saat svaron men se chautha svar jo kasa ya tana hua na ho
Lag synonyms
slacken wane fall off trail decrease falter diminish fail shuffle ebb slouch tarry jelly dawdle procrastinate poke dillydally idle lounge plod tail inch limp tool stay flag hobble straggle saunter retard trudge linger drag stagger loiter hang back put off be behind get no place fast inch along lose strength slow up drag one's feet
Lag antonyms
grow increase enlarge complete hasten hurry raise develop expand run rise finish go push rush advance do tiptoe leave
Usage of Lag in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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