Laid down meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Laid down
As verb : अधिकथित Ex:  Hailstorm laid down the crop.
दिए गए Ex:  It was laid down on Zaiachiy Island
Laid down ki paribhasha : batalaaya ya niyat kiya hua
Laid down synonyms
speculate wager chance hazard put game venture ante trust risk pledge pony up dice buy in on lay down lay odds play against play for play the ponies put money on tempt fortune toss up sacrifice meet throw butt lay it down guide govern control decree lead bid manage pronounce direct ordain charge regiment enjoin instruct bulldoze order call the shots call the play call the tune lay down the law put foot down read the riot act take the reins walk heavy outline affirm articulate intone propound utter sound express develop show deliver vocalize state submit proclaim say promulgate announce postulate voice modulate declare enounce publish phonate appoint levy force institute require introduce foist place inflict demand establish enforce presume visit trespass intrude wreck fix compel wreak lade oblige burden exact saddle wish infringe command encroach obtrude constrain horn in force upon move in on read riot act take advantage drop allow have omit mislay suffer let permit leave behind let be let continue let go let stay jockey plan gamble engineer determine specify define settle choose decide assign select designate pick out write prescription condition lounge sprawl loll slope lie stretch lean slant rest list cant tilt heel stretch out be recumbent copy log register mark file report document preserve insert enroll cut chronicle indite enumerate matriculate inscribe note transcribe catalog book tape enter video dub tabulate wax chalk up put down take down videotape cut a track jot down keep account make a recording mark down put in writing put on file put on paper put on tape set down tape-record write in loaf slumber sleep deposit lie down settle down take it easy reverse depart fall back backtrack retire recede evacuate abandon back down go back withdraw escape hide back off reel shrink pull out relinquish quit run ebb resign avoid elude disengage fold sequester decamp evade retrograde vacate recoil regress quail back away back out beat it draw back hand over opt out turn tail retrocede cave in give ground go along with keep aloof keep apart move back seclude oneself start back resolve conclude hold find theorize adjudicate figure gather deduce adjudge infer pass upon name schedule price value allocate allot estimate regulate arrange agree upon fix price spell out guarantee covenant slot detail contract bargain promise insist upon lay finger on make a point pin down put down for specificate specificize
Laid down antonyms
displace remove disallow implore request mismanage ask repress confine conceal hide deny withhold muffle mumble leave alone be quiet question mispronounce prevent disorder aid forget overlook neglect help refuse reject keep come go continue care maintain ignore disorganize unsettle mislead mix up confuse misguide deprive take straighten energize level stand sit up be active withdraw cancel do be busy remain meet enter stay forward advance go forward take on face waver misunderstand begin start miss serve submit plead destroy ruin liquefy soften ascend dissuade hinder go up rise discourage finish halt imply wish break disagree decline break off calculate
Usage of Laid down in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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