Lay low meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lay low
As noun :
पछाड़ देना
Lay low synonyms
dodge avert sidestep fend off bypass escape shun shy jump abstain shake circumvent divert eschew deflect obviate elude desist recoil withdraw duck flee shirk ditch skirt skip weave shake off ward off circumlocute fake out give the slip hold off keep clear run for cover shake and bake shrink from shuffle off skip out on skip town stay away stay out steer clear of step aside turn aside abase cut down damage drop injure lower murder overthrow overturn prostrate pull down slay tumble undermine upset wound ko knock down mow down shoot down throw down devastate pillage ruin sack despoil plunder devour waste desecrate depredate spoliate depopulate lay waste conclude perform settle discharge expedite dispose of eat up polish off scarf down deceive pussyfoot fence confuse waffle prevaricate decline equivocate fudge cavil balk lie tergiversate parry baffle hedge shuck fly shift pretend double trick cop out put off get around beat around bush beg the question give the runaround keep distance lead on a merry chase pass up slip out sneak away slash raze rive gash cleave demolish split sunder hack mangle dash sever ground bowl over blow down cause to fall knock over strike down crush smash straighten depress debase subdue grade compress plaster smooth squash plane trample flush deflate abrade roll iron out beat down even out spread out stump dumbfound bewilder puzzle disconcert discomfit conquer defeat nonplus bring up short wreck equalize bulldoze tear down welsh renege hem and haw beat around the bush dance around an issue tap dance worm one's way out of harbor stow mask cloak lurk camouflage wrap obscure bury skulk plant masquerade screen cache enshroud couch shelter burrow dissemble ensconce veil slink secrete beard hole up cover up keep dark keep secret lie low put in a hole stay out of sight tuck away shield protect withhold disguise suppress smuggle stifle squirrel eclipse adumbrate curtain shadow reserve hold back hush up salt away blot out go into hiding go underground keep from lock up not give away not tell put out of the way stow away take cover anticipate hang around linger mark time stall stick around cool it fill time hang out hold on hold the phone keep your shirt on lie in wait put on hold stand by stay put bide one's time await watch delay remain expect foresee tarry abide dally hang onto your hat hold everything keep shirt on look for look forward to save it sit up for stay up for sweat it tread water play a waiting game occult
Lay low antonyms
permit face meet allow help stay take on seek want aid encourage raise construct improve protect create build save unsettle hold back prohibit halt stop keep retain confront disclose divulge uncover organize release enlighten explain remain encounter expose lay bare let out open reveal show tell order clear up tell truth accept be honest unite combine assist erect join increase incite lift blow up expand break elevate round uncompress make uneven abet explicate retreat surrender soothe yield give up rough up deceive jag lie turn point away disregard ignore unwrap fill unmask exhibit let go hurry carry out go ahead leave rush advance carry on move do forge forward lay out
Usage of Lay low in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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