Leadership meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Leadership
As noun : अगुआई Ex:  the political ferment produced new leadership
नायकत्व Ex:  When Michael Foot attained the leadership of the Labour Party उ:   उच्चकुल के नायकत्व के निकष को गोकुल ने बदल दिया था। नेतालोग Ex:  Despite the leadership of communists such as Antonio Gramsci नेतृत्व Ex:  On October 30, 1950 the nationalists, under the leadership of Dr. उ:   नगरसेवकों का नेतृत्व महापौर के पास होता है।
Other : चौधरी Ex:  Under the leadership of Dhoni मीरी Ex:  Under Gompers's leadership लीडरी Ex:  Under the leadership of his son
Leadership synonyms
control direction management power influence administration authority initiative command skill foresight capacity preeminence conveyance supremacy domination superiority hegemony sway primacy conduction pilotage directorship superintendency
Leadership antonyms
weakness inability incapacity powerlessness impotence subservience
Usage of Leadership in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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