Leafy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Leafy
As adjective : गुंजान Ex:  It means particularly in terms of gardening, the envelope of the leafy flower anemones and buttercups
घनदार Ex:  Stem leafy well घनरस Ex:  The feast of tabernacles, One of the three great feasts of the Hebrews, who celebrated after the harvest, in tents, under leafy घना Ex:  BARRES, plural, said of a race game between schoolchildren and young people who are divided between two opposing camps, usually marked by a groove, with a leafy branch, etc उ:   पहले यहाँ घना वन था और मृग-विहार किया करते थे। घनो—पु Ex:  Danser under the leafy झोँप Ex:  Sort of marble leafy structure reminiscent of onion निबड़ नीरंध्र पत्तीदार उ:   इन्हें पत्तीदार लीवरवर्ट भी कहते हैं। पत्ते वाली पत्तेदार उ:   मैग्नीशियम हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियों में पाया जाता है। बहलित विंझ व्यालीन सुगहन
Leafy ki paribhasha : jisake avayav ya ash paas paas sate hon jisaka kisi vyavasaay men kisi ke saath saajha ho
Leafy synonyms
wooded verdant shady shaded abounding covered green hidden umbrageous leafed leaved
Leafy antonyms
Usage of Leafy in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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