Legislature meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Legislature
As noun : कानून बनाने वाली सभा Ex:  They forced the bill through the legislature .
विधान मण्डल Ex:  If the legislature disapproves the nominee, it is dissolved. विधानमंडल Ex:  The other half of the EU's legislature is the European Parliament. उ:   पार्टी केंद्रीय विधानमंडल में थी। विधानमण्डल Ex:  The legislature met in the old Dauphin County Court House until December 1821 उ:   विधान परिषद विधानमण्डल का अंग है। विधानसभा Ex:  The legislature met at Grace Methodist Church on State Street उ:   झारखंड विधानसभा झारखंड राज्य की एकल विधायिका है। व्यवसथापक अंग Ex:  Manitoba is governed by a unicameral legislature व्यवस्थापिका सभा Ex:  Nepal's legislature was bicameral
Other : विधान मंडल Ex:  Saint Petersburg has a single-chamber legislature विधानांग Ex:  The legislature meets in the new State Capitol there. विधायिका Ex:  The legislature sets some standards by general acts. उ:   वासिला नगर परिषद इस नगर की विधायिका है।
Legislature ki paribhasha : vah sabha jisamen kisi pradesha- vishesh ke liye kaanun kaayade aadi banate the
Legislature synonyms
chamber parliament house assembly congress diet council senate plenum lawmakers house of representatives voice of the people
Usage of Legislature in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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