Let go meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Let go
As noun : पकड़ ढीली करना Ex:  It clings to the bars so hard that you can not make him let go
As verb :
अपना साहस छोड़ देना Ex:  The whole team let go with a loud shout . अपने आप को मुक्त करना Ex:  But I wasn’t going to have a dogfight under my feet so I let go of his collar. गई करना Ex:  Assign an important air take his ease; let go casually जाने देना Ex:  He repented of having let go before them as दरगुजरना Ex:  I let go
Other : छोड़ देना Ex:  Forget about time, let go by inattention, a time when we had something to do नौकरी से निकाल देना Ex:  If let go in favor, with these
Let go synonyms
drop out pull out dump ditch discontinue stop withdraw vacate discard desert screw abdicate duck dust back out bail out bow out chicken out cop out opt out throw over walk out on flake out fly the coop give up the ship kiss goodbye leg it run out on ship out storm out take a powder take a walk wash hands of slow slacken ebb wane dwindle recede taper subside decrease diminish dull decline subdue reduce coast quell allay moderate cool chill out let up taper off unlax cool it go with the flow hang easy hang loose lay back let it all hang out mellow out take it easy vindicate absolve free exonerate exculpate relieve whitewash liberate blink at disculpate let off the hook wink at wipe off circumvent sidestep skirt circumnavigate outflank finesse detour burke depart from deviate from get around go around go around the barn pass around take back road expel terminate boot sack bounce cashier kick out give the heave ho clarify explain emancipate defog find innocent set free moan sob groan wail sigh grieve mourn complain howl fret bemoan bewail sniff regret lament sorrow whimper whine bawl squall keen snivel caterwaul blubber yowl deplore yammer choke up crack up break down mewl boohoo burst into tears dissolve in tears let it all out put on the weeps ring the blues shed bitter tears shed tears turn on waterworks transfer hand over turn over grant resign commit blast blow up bang fulminate mushroom kablooey push the button shoot off touch off va-voom unload displace remove replace bust supersede eject dispense bump nix supplant disburden disencumber boot out freeze out give one notice let one go let out lock out privilege from ride out on rail run out of town show the door disengage untangle unravel untie detach expand disinvolve resolve unfold separate simplify undo open sever sunder clear up work out unscramble untwine untwist unsnarl unbraid disembroil bail one out discumber sort out disband reject repudiate dispatch disperse chase relegate divorce abolish bundle deport banish relinquish chuck repel outlaw brush off cast off dispense with dispose of do without send packing turn out cast out drive out force out have done with push aside push back send off show out slough off sweep away suspend retire depose impeach disqualify furlough depone shelve unseat pension put away shut out defrock unfrock deselect disemploy disfrock give notice to give the ax give the gate give the heave-ho give walking papers give warning turn away wash out disobey forget disparage disdain slight despise contemn overpass discount snub fail scorn pooh-pooh brush aside pass over vilipend cold-shoulder brush away have no use for laugh off leave out of account let off easy let pass live with look the other way pay no attention to pay no heed to pay no mind shut eyes to take no notice of tune out turn a blind eye turn a deaf ear pardon indulge tolerate condone defend mitigate appease alibi rationalize extenuate cover purge remit pretext shrive bear with shrug off apologize for dispense from exempt from give absolution grant amnesty make allowances for plead ignorance take rap for immune excused favored cleared privileged beat the rap outside special unchecked unrestrained unrestricted excepted unbound liberated walked spared absolved excluded not liable not responsible not subject set apart unshackled void of collapse shatter erupt break out rupture backfire jet convulse shiver split fracture thunder blaze set off flare up blow to kingdom come flame up rescue differentiate extract disembarrass difference get off the hook get out from under wriggle out of save one's neck cavort gambol caper carouse rollick riot romp prance frisk lark spree sport fool around cut capers go on a tear let loose raise hell whoop it up kick up one's heels pay off retire early mislay suffer permit leave behind lay down let be let continue let stay alleviate break up disconnect disjoin unbuckle unbutton unfasten unhitch unleash unlock manumit unclasp unloose untighten become unfastened disenthrall ease off unbar unbolt unchain unfix unhook unlace unlash unlatch unpin unscrew unsnap unstick unstrap work free work loose skip misplace miscarry trip botch fumble juggle flub err misfire blunder muff lose overshoot undershoot be late for drop the ball fall flat on face fall short let slip pass up trip up spurn underestimate affront slur scant detest depreciate rebuff condemn pass by pretermit have nothing to do with make light of not care for keep at arm's length keep one's distance prohibit edit withhold eliminate delete trim preclude evade snip cancel count out cut out knock off x-out cast aside leave undone let slide miss out topple dislodge evict dethrone bereave disinherit ostracize rob deprive dispossess divest transport pink slip throw out bundle off expulse give the 1-2-3 pack off fail to notice let fall between the cracks slip up stomach handle stand for go along with grin and bear it let bygones be bygones play past put up with roll with punches swim with the tide turn blind eye to wipe slate clean dance trifle disport toy rejoice joke clown jump dally divert carry on cut up horse around mess around show off kibitz amuse oneself be life of party entertain oneself go on a spree idle away kick up heels make merry let one's hair down acquiesce soften capitulate comply give in forbear melt weaken cry uncle come around cave in be merciful die away ease up on give quarter give some slack give way go easy on have mercy have pity let it happen lighten up say uncle show mercy change one's mind palliate respite postpone grant a stay let off this time let up on bask enjoy wallow savor crow relish delight luxuriate gloat thrive kid around blow off steam lap up live it up paint the town run around step out spring refrain from be lenient get out of hock give a break give quarter to pull out of the fire relieve from save bacon save from save neck renounce waive concede submit succumb forego consign entrust go down go under knuckle under eat crow buckle under deliver up eat humble pie pack it in part with play dead put up white flag roll over throw in the towel toss it in lob thrust shove fling hurl flip start lift pitch bunt flick tumble overwhelm waft dash bandy strew shower floor pelt splatter precipitate peg catapult project sprinkle unhorse sling spray fell overturn pellet bombard stone launch shy upset impel barrage volley scatter pepper lapidate fling off let fly drip ululate let it out buy sag defer crumple bend back down admit defeat call it quits come to terms fold up give oneself over lay down arms suffer defeat freed canned replaced sacked laid-off ejected ousted furloughed axed expelled sent away sent home dismissed run riot go berserk run amok run wild displaced retired suspended removed brought back laid off give someone his or her walking papers give someone the ax give someone the gate give someone the pink slip show someone the door kick over the traces make whoopee paint the town red give marching orders give pink slip give the sack hand walking papers give bum's rush efface pocket commute bury the hatchet accept apology allow for bear no malice dismiss from mind kiss and make up let it go think no more of turn other cheek avoid be oblivious to turn back on turn deaf ear bury one's head in sand unwind recline calm repose tranquilize calm down loosen up sit back lie down unbend breathe easy collect oneself compose oneself cool off feel at home let oneself go make oneself at home settle back simmer down sit around stop work take a break take a breather take ten take time out put one's feet up take one's time drop it ignore it don't bother don't concern yourself it doesn't matter it's all right
Let go antonyms
remain persevere cherish assert uphold come stay continue begin start keep maintain advance go allow defend pursue retain support adopt favor increase grow enlarge incite amplify enhance intensify prolong revive forward rise raise develop expand extend win magnify accuse blame convict punish sentence condemn incriminate incarcerate limit restrain censure damn denounce charge doom permit welcome hire employ engage cannot imprison clutter pile up find guilty hit run into gloat praise delight be happy please deny refuse veto capture restrict confine detain withhold be quiet dismantle owe assign delegate load connect unite tangle hide block combine entangle entwine wind attach tie join close twist legalize preserve accept promote appoint secure remember compliment admire note respect regard approve flatter succeed like love attend esteem pay attention prevent hurt aggravate irritate reveal prevented accountable answerable hindered liable responsible nonexempt mend implode link involve disallow reject care tighten bind accomplish achieve heed notice face meet correct fix do well look at guard nurture protect complete recognize concern take care of watch finish sanction include insert admit add enter inject place take in give offer honor get follow listen be sad work direct worry ascend free build worsen accusation dislike hate disappoint distress need surpass fight conquer dissuade repress slow explain pull discourage stop receive collect gather catch help straighten counter disapprove agree oppose fasten couple hitch hook button bore dull acknowledge take notice energize excite agitate tense be active
Usage of Let go in sentences

The word is used as adjective interjection, verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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