Let in on meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Let in on
As noun :
शामिल करना
Let in on synonyms
warn apprise acquaint show update clue report post fill in clue in give the word keep posted lay it out make known put next to put on the line put on to tip off prepare explain instruct prime edify abridge recapitulate initiate epitomize summarize orient give rundown give the lowdown show the lay of the land show the ropes disclose reveal whisper confess impart admit suggest breathe intimate hint insinuate buzz bend an ear crack to lay it on lay the gaff spill to unload on discipline develop train cultivate rear improve foster school coach mature indoctrinate drill brainwash nurture civilize exercise drum into put hip put through the grind uplift illuminate imitate direct inculcate illumine divulge catechize save elucidate convert inspirit teach counsel persuade illume guide preach cause to understand give faith open up caution inspire relate forewarn blab endue familiarize leak betray snitch squeal level invest tattle tout endow give away wise give a pointer give a tip give two cents let know make conversant with send word tell on alert declare telephone announce vent radio convey proclaim wire debrief publish write cue spread speak circulate blazon state express broadcast mention assert cable disseminate promulgate air herald talk pass out wise up fit provide fix gird equip brace arrange organize get strengthen set fortify order clear the decks make up warm up fit out gear up get ready get set make ready pave the way psych up say summon recite represent require enjoin authorize command utter bid break the news call upon give facts give out lay open leave word let slip put before reel off spit it out lecture lay it out for
Let in on antonyms
conceal hide withhold deceive delude fool trick betray lie pretend keep quiet keep secret keep mum neglect deny suppress secrete decrease destroy ignore learn obscure mislead listen harm bewilder confound misguide hurt confuse puzzle be vague be quiet refrain collect gather disarrange disorganize disorder dissuade weaken prevent disallow hold back retard slow disturb let go fail lose discourage halt displace disavow misunderstand estimate guess ask question figure
Usage of Let in on in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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