Lethargy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lethargy
As noun : अकर्मण्यता Ex:  Falling into lethargy उ:   अकर्मण्यता का कोई सबूत नहीं है।
अकृतित्व Ex:  Falling into lethargy अलसई Ex:  Getting out of a profound lethargy अलसता Ex:  Medicine Who holds lethargy अलसाई Ex:  Pull someone from his lethargy अलसानि Ex:  Waking someone drowsiness, lethargy, Pull someone drowsiness, lethargy गहरी नींद जोफ दिरंग निढालपन निषत्ति निषत्ति निष्क्रियता नींद उ:   उसी रात उनकी नींद एक बाघ के कारण खुल जाती है। सुस्ती उ:   सुस्ती या कमजोर निर्गमन अंगों को बल प्रदान करना। हिज्ज ‡
Other : आलस Ex:  We thought the death, he was in lethargy गफलत शैथिल्य
Lethargy ki paribhasha : jivan ki ek nityaprati honevaali avastha jisamen chetan kriyaaean ruki rahati hain aur sharir aur antaःkaran donon vishraam karate hain nishkrith hone ka bhaav ya avastha
Lethargy synonyms
inactivity disinterest apathy inertness sloth torpidity sleep languor idleness indifference impassivity dullness unconcern inaction torpor passiveness sleepiness listlessness coma heedlessness inertia stupor slumber hebetude slowness disregard indolence lassitude phlegm drowsiness inanition torpidness unmindfulness insouciance supineness
Lethargy antonyms
awakening consciousness vigor vitality vivaciousness wakefulness action concern interest regard liveliness activity busyness energy life vivacity
Usage of Lethargy in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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