Lever meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lever
As noun : आदीपक Ex:  Iron rods are often used to lever the logs.
उठने की कल Ex:  He used a political lever to get this job. उत्तेजक Ex:  It had a lever under the keyboard used to alter the music to any key. उ:   उसमें कीड़ों और सांपों की उत्तेजक छवियां भी प्रदर्शित थीं। उत्तोलन दंड Ex:  Eventually he bought a special piano with a lever under the keyboard उत्‍तोलक लीवर Ex:  When the water expands, it acts as a lever that loosens the rock by lifting it. उद्याम Ex:  While Archimedes did not invent the lever टेका लगाना Ex:  Arts Petit lever which is used to prevent a wheel that rotates in one direction can move in the opposite direction ढेकली Ex:  CLAMP also designates a flat iron bar and split at one end, which is used as a lever दबाव Ex:  Eloquence is a powerful lever on the masses उ:   उनके ऊपर शुरु शुरु में थोड़ा दबाव था। बलपूर्वक खोलना Ex:  He said specifically that kind of lever used to maneuver cannons मुहर्रिक Ex:  In terms of mechanics, says COUPLE Two equal forces, parallel and opposite direction, acting in the opposite direction at the ends of a lever संधुक्षण Ex:  Interest is the great lever of human activity समादापक Ex:  lever escapement स्रुवदंड Ex:  LEVER says, Surgery, Miscellaneous instruments that the analogy with the lever हत्था Ex:  Lift a stone with lever
As verb : उत्तोलक से हटाना Ex:  Archimedes' analysis of the lever
Other : उत्तोलक Ex:  A lever on most machines allowed switching between colors उ:   तथा यह प्रथम श्रेणी का उत्तोलक है जिसकी खोज अर्कमिडीज ने की थी । उत्तोलन Ex:  Manipulation of the bolt or the lever causes the spent cartridge to be removed टेकन Ex:  All the mechanical powers are reduced to the lever and the corner driving
Lever ki paribhasha : nichi sthiti se ooanchi sthiti men karana aisa pind jise gurutv ke kaaran uthaane men kathinata ho lakadi ya baaans ka sidha lnba tukad kisi bhaari aujaar ka vah bhaag jo haath se pakad jaata ho vegon ko tivr karanevaala
Lever synonyms
leverage crowbar pry advantage prise pinch bar pry bar prying bar tool lam jimmy binder jack pedal treadle peavey peavy
Usage of Lever in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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