Leverage meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Leverage
As noun : अपनी परिस्थिति का फायदा उठाना Ex:  France had transformed demographic leverage to military and political weight
उत्तोलक पर लगाया जाने वाला बल Ex:  Gloria Swanson was not able to leverage her own success in Sunset Boulevard. उत्तोलन Ex:  Follow-up of the preposition DE, sometimes it means particularly Employ someone or something, dispose in leverage somehow उद्यामन Ex:  He also said, in terms of Art, Various kinds of devices that function switches or leverage in a locksmith equipment, watches and clocks, humbug, carpentry, etc डंडाकुंडा धकिया परभाइ प्रभाय प्रभाव उ:   इन संबंधों का राजनीतिक प्रभाव महत्त्वपूर्ण था। प्रभावन क्षमता प्रभुत मंत्रबल रोबदाब सन्निबध
Leverage ki paribhasha : itana maan ya adhikaar ki jo baat chaahe kar ya kara sake
Leverage synonyms
bargaining chip weight advantage clout pull grease power authority break drag edge rank ascendancy ropes suction jump on
Leverage antonyms
Usage of Leverage in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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