Liable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Liable
As adjective : अपाकशाक Ex:  Partners are jointly and severally liable for the partnerships debts.
आदी Ex:  Trespasser are liable to be fined. उ:   यहां हिरण, बाघ, बाराहसिंगा आदी वन्य पशु पाए जाते हैं। उत्तरदायित्व Ex:  The following section is liable to change and is only indicative. उ:   उत्तरदायित्व सौंप दिया जाता है। उत्तरदायी Ex:  All payments deducted, he found liable for that amount उ:   उसके पतन के लिए उसके सगे संबधी भी कम उत्तरदायी नहीं थे। कटुकंद Ex:  An heir is liable for the debts of the one he inherits कटुभद्र Ex:  Any man is liable to err, err subject to जबाबदेही Ex:  be civilly liable for facts, acts of someone जवाबदेह Ex:  In terms of Case Law, Personal Action, Action by which one is pursuing a person who is liable or obliged in its own name जिम्मावारी Ex:  In terms of Jurisprudence, inventory Profit, Power granted by law to the heir of being liable for the debts and charges of that a succession up to the asset inventory found by दायित्व के अधीन Ex:  It is also said the Privilege granted to an office that the king made hereditary, without the holder was liable for payment of PLR and annual दायित्व होना Ex:  It is some damage or offenses which one is financially liable दायी Ex:  It says also of Things and means admit, be liable to उ:   इसका अर्थ है जीवन दायी उद्यान। देनदार Ex:  KEEP means, figuratively, be liable to pay something to someone, it not the obligation धर्मबद्ध Ex:  Once it designated an Association formed of several persons liable to certain obligations in connection with their profession and enjoying certain privileges बाध्य Ex:  The beneficiary is liable for the debts of the deceased up to the forces of succession उ:   किंतु जो व्यक्ति अपराध करने को उसे बाध्य करता है, वह दोषी है। भागी होना Ex:  The heir is personally liable for the debts inherited his hand and hypothecarily for all भागी Ex:  The tenant is liable only for minor repairs मदयून Ex:  To remain civilly liable महीजा Ex:  two kinds Who is liable to account मुतसद्दी Ex:  We can not know whether he is liable only after the surrender of his Account राहुच्छत्र Ex:  Who is liable or different quality, or Who has several faces, several appearances शार्ङ्ग Ex:  Whoever commits this offense is liable to imprisonment of one month, to a fine of fifty francs श्रृंगवेरक Ex:  , Put someone on the track, Give information, information liable to send it to the goal he proposes to him to find that it seeks संभाव्य Ex:  , Put someone on the track, Give information, information liable to send it to the goal he proposes to him to find what he seeks उ:   'स्वर्ण पर्वत' संभाव्य नहीं है, परंतु शक्य है। सशाक सात्मीकृत स्वर्णभूमिका
Other : आक्रम्य Ex:  The company shall be liable for any damage caused in transit. उत्तरदाता Ex:  unlabeled luggage is liable to be lost उत्तरदाता Ex:  Under stress they are liable to lose their balance. घिसना Ex:  be civilly liable for an offense, be liable for damage resulting from a crime committed by a person on which exercises some authority सम्भावना Ex:  It also said some people regarded as liable to be imprisoned by court order उ:   इससे इस बात की अधिक सम्भावना है कि वे पहचान ली जाएँ और सताई न जाएँ।
Liable ki paribhasha : radd ya nasht karane laayak jisapar kisi baat ka uttaradaayitv ho pooja ya satkaar ke yogy athava jisaka satkaar honevaala ho
Liable synonyms
accountable amenable bound chargeable obligated subject tied susceptible inclined apt sensitive vulnerable prone assailable disposed exposed given penetrable tending attackable vincible beatable conquerable in danger verisimilar
Liable antonyms
irresponsible unaccountable excusable freed immune unlikely unsusceptible
Usage of Liable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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