Lied meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lied
As noun : एकल गीतअ Ex:  He lied to me about his experience.
As verb :
झूठ बोलना Ex:  Harrison was deported for having lied to the German authorities about his age.
Lied synonyms
mislead promote misrepresent deceive pervert frame bull invent dupe beguile fake prevaricate concoct equivocate snow fib fudge falsify victimize palter plant misstate phony distort dissemble delude misinform exaggerate fabricate malign forswear perjure dissimulate make believe put on string along soft-soap misspeak overdraw misguide bs be untruthful bear false witness break promise go back on misinstruct put up a front sprawl sleep rest recline retire repose couch lounge nap siesta loll laze turn in lie down be prone be recumbent be supine go to bed stretch out belong remain spread exist prevail beset reach extend occupy be beside be buried be established be even be fixed be found be interred be level be located be on be placed be seated be smooth have its seat in
Lied antonyms
destroy straighten tell truth stand be honest be upright compress
Usage of Lied in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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