Lunatic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lunatic
As noun : उनमादी Ex:  He famously quipped: "America is a lunatic asylum".
उन्मत्त Ex:  He is either a lunatic or a traitor. उन्मत्तक Ex:  A lunatic asylum उन्मादी Ex:  It said today Certain cells in the lunatic houses उमंतं Ex:  It specifically means Enclose in a lunatic asylum ऊमंती Ex:  lunatic house, public or private institution where the insane are cared नष्टचित्त Ex:  The past participle RESTLESS, EE, s' sometimes used as a noun and especially to express a lunatic Category परिक्षीव मूढ़सत्व वायुनिघ्न सरशार
As adjective : उन्मत्तक Ex:  A lunatic asylum ऊमंती Ex:  lunatic house, public or private institution where the insane are cared खीपट Ex:  subrogate goods instead buildings and places lunatic निर्दट, निर्दड पागल उ:   अपने बेटे को न बचाने के कारण वह पागल हो जाता है। बौड़हा मदकल सिड़बिला, सिड़बिल्ला सोन्मद, सोन्माद हरिप्रिय हावलाबावला
Lunatic ki paribhasha : yog men chitt ki vrattiyon ya avasthaaon men se ek jisamen chitt praayaः asthir rahata hai, par bich bich men kuchh sthir bhi ho jaata hai
Lunatic synonyms
maniacal crazed bananas psychotic stupid zany absurd irrational baked balmy bonkers cracked daft demented deranged flaky foolish idiotic insane nonsensical nutty preposterous screwy unsound dippy kooky loco whacko schizoid fried flipped out freaked out psyched out psychopath loon crackpot cuckoo paranoid flake neurotic crank schizophrenic scatterbrain fruitcake demoniac lamebrain sociopathic
Lunatic antonyms
logical rational sensible healthy sane reasonable
Usage of Lunatic in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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