Luxurious meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Luxurious
As noun : खुशफाम Ex:  Rowling purchased a luxurious 19th-century estate house
भविल Ex:  Of the most luxurious of these भव्य Ex:  The most luxurious shopping street is P.C. Hooftstraat उ:   यहाँ भगवान शिव का भव्य मन्दिर है। वजीहा Ex:  Have a great train home Having a luxurious table, furnishings, domestic
As adjective : अजितेंद्रिय Ex:  There is a luxurious repast in the dining hall. अत्यागी Ex:  They lead a luxurious life. अदात Ex:  He and four associates purchased 9,000 acres and built a luxurious hotel आनन्दी Ex:  Managua also has a wide selection to offer in luxurious shopping malls आरामदेह Ex:  On one side, the luxurious Druk Hotel is situated. किमती Ex:  Spices were among the most luxurious products available in the Middle Ages कृतशोभ Ex:  My Dinh, the luxurious zones of The Manor and Ciputra. भविल Ex:  Of the most luxurious of these विलासप्रिय विलासमय विषयनिरत विषयप्रवण विषयरत विषयासक्त शानदार उ:   मायापुर अपने शानदार मन्दिरों के लिए पूरे विश्व में जाना जाता है। शानी
Other : विभव उ:   इसका सेल विभव १.२५ से १.५ तक होता है ।
Luxurious ki paribhasha : jo badi sajaavat aur taiyaari ke saath ho puraanaanusaar dhruv ke ek putr ka naam
Luxurious synonyms
ostentatious stately posh sumptuous palatial gorgeous lush fancy comfortable splendid lavish opulent grand extravagant imposing deluxe plush expensive ritzy costly easy elaborate epicurean grandiose gratifying immoderate impressive luscious magnificent majestic pleasurable pretentious rich self-indulgent sensual sensuous voluptuous well-appointed hedonistic plushy sybaritic upscale fit for a king/ queen in the lap of luxury pampered pleasure-loving
Luxurious antonyms
destitute insignificant unimportant frugal modest plain common unimpressive poor small barren ordinary economical inferior moderate reasonable austere
Usage of Luxurious in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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