Make the grade meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Make the grade
As noun :
सफल होना
Make the grade synonyms
prosper accomplish succeed flourish thrive become famous make good make it reach the top commit manage may make out take care of be capable of be equal to be up to can do could cut the mustard have it made be within one's area be within one's control lie in one's power wrestle confront get by grapple endure survive suffer tussle deal buffet face dispatch weather struggle tangle encounter carry on battle with get a handle on live with make go of it pit oneself against rise to occasion struggle through hold one's own conform render conclude perfect effectuate perform answer achieve finish obey observe discharge realize execute keep meet implement carry out be just the ticket comply with fill the bill hit the bull's-eye avail come through make the cut prevail win bring home the bacon be successful carry off come out on top cut it deliver the goods get to the top hit the mark make a go of it pull it off administer use work supervise play utilize employ treat conduct govern operate discuss exercise maneuver dispense wield direct exploit command steer swing bestow apply advise dominate guide manipulate deal with behave toward call the signals cope with run things gratify amuse tickle cheer entertain charm wow humor content overjoy kill indulge gladden titillate grab enchant hit the spot turn on go over big sweep off feet tickle pink enable certify train entitle ready authorize fit empower permit commission sanction equip endow condition ground check out capacitate come up to snuff measure up earn one's wings placate elate fascinate flatter delight mollify appease assuage befriend surfeit quench glut slake gorge animate cloy sell capture enliven conciliate captivate comfort propitiate exhilarate sate satiate enthrall pacify rejoice brighten up do the trick make merry sell on provide reassure convince complete quiet induce inveigle furnish tide over be adequate be enough be sufficient conform to dispel doubt keep promise put mind at ease serve the purpose win over rack up pull off connect notch amass secure impress procure attain triumph chalk up gain advantage hit pay dirt luck out make a killing make an impression put over take the cake be good enough be the ticket make a hit meet requirement correspond enhance befit accord square tally harmonize benefit agree match go with beseem answer a need be proper for be seemly fit in go together come through with flying colors come up to scratch do credit to find favor with meet with approval pass inspection prove acceptable recommend itself satisfy requirements stand the test stand up
Make the grade antonyms
languish disappear fail lose depart go leave hire employ cannot refuse retreat surrender hold keep yield commence destroy dissatisfy anger displease create ignore take begin introduce start abandon give up halt stop upset miss neglect bear forget overlook cancel abstain mislead disregard misuse let go receive leave alone misguide follow mismanage not carry disappoint dissuade frustrate annoy offend tire worry deny bore disenchant repulse depress disturb be unwilling reject disallow disqualify be lenient be unprepared pain incite deplete diet fast distress deprive agitate trouble provoke moderate discourage exhaust dull hurt irritate discontent prevent forfeit mend pass smooth differ mismatch oppose question disagree
Usage of Make the grade in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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