Marry meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Marry
As verb : परनाना Ex:  She scorned for his proposal to marry him.
परिणय करना Ex:  Will you marry me? Jane: Yes, I will . बंधन जोड़ना Ex:  It was expected that Elizabeth would marry भौँराना Ex:  They were to be forbidden to marry विवाह करना करना Ex:  Captain Price Blackwood, did not marry into a landowning family. विवाह करना Ex:  June had agreed to marry Cash after he had 'cleaned up'. विवाह कराना Ex:  After her death, friends of Muhammad advised him to marry again विवाह कर्ना Ex:  Abimelech took her to his house, with intentions to marry her. शादी करना Ex:  Henry desired to marry once again to ensure the succession. संबंध बनाना Ex:  Achilles withdraws from fighting in the war because he is to marry Polyxena. संबंध बनानाना Ex:  Cressida agrees to marry Diomedes after she has not heard from Troilus. संबंध बन्ना Ex:  Berners-Lee's breakthrough was to marry hypertext to the Internet. हस्तधारण Ex:  Frederick's father forced him to marry Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Bevern.
Marry synonyms
catch join wed pledge relate promise conjugate unite mate combine tie ally associate couple conjoin yoke knit land unify contract merge match espouse link bond one tie the knot become one drop anchor get hitched get married lead to altar settle down take vows walk down aisle plight one's troth
Marry antonyms
dissociate uncouple detach disconnect loosen disjoin divorce divide separate break part unfasten fail lose
Usage of Marry in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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