Memento meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Memento
As noun : निशानी Ex:  Not only I explained the matter to him, but I left him a memento उ:   ये लोग किसी निशानी को देखकर भी ईमान लाने को तैयार न हुए।
लंछन सहिजानी स्मरणार्थक वस्तु
Memento ki paribhasha : vah padaarth jo kisi ki smrati ke roop men ho smrati ke uddeshy se diya athava rakha hua padaarth
Memento synonyms
trophy relic keepsake token remembrance reminder vestige memorial trace remembrancer
Usage of Memento in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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