Memorial meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Memorial
As noun : स्मारक Ex:  The two brooks in the memorial उ:   यह स्मारक विश्व प्रसिद्ध है।
Other :
अभ्यावेदन Ex:  Let us celebrate the memorial day with new resolves. आस्मारक Ex:  India Gate is a memorial for those who died to keep us safe. निवेदन पत्र Ex:  From its origins as a memorial to Hu Yaobang संस्मारक Ex:  The memorial attracts approximately two million people annually. उ:   किसी प्राचीन संस्मारक के अवशेष।
Memorial ki paribhasha : vah padaarth jo kisi ki smrati ke roop men ho vah kratya, padaarth ya vastu aadi jo kisi ki smooti banaaye rakhane ke liye prastut kiya jaay
Memorial synonyms
remembering monumental canonizing celebrative commemoratory consecrating consecrative dedicatory deifying enshrining in tribute memorializing ceremony tombstone statue remembrance headstone plaque mausoleum obelisk shaft relic tablet inscription column pillar keepsake souvenir record token monolith reminder slab trophy memento stele cairn
Memorial antonyms
abusive dishonorable
Usage of Memorial in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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