Milk meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Milk
As noun : उस्रिया Ex:  The rattle of bottles was being heard from a milk mans van.
ऊधन्य Ex:  She scalded the milk to drink. औधस्य Ex:  The milk is scalding hot. क्षीर Ex:  evaporate milk उ:   महादेव जी देवगणों को साथ लेकर क्षीर सागर गए। गोरस Ex:  curdled milk उ:   उसके शरीर से निकले हुए गोरस भी इसी प्रकृति के होते हैं। त्वकछेद Ex:  The milk has turned rancid. दुग्ध Ex:  pasteurize milk उ:   हरियाणा दुग्ध के लिए भी जाना जाता है। दूइज Ex:  undiluted milk दूध क्षीर Ex:  This milk is flavoured with chocolate. दूध दुहना Ex:  Shake the milk well. दूध निकालना Ex:  Jane drinks nothing but milk . दूध Ex:  Some milk slopped out . उ:   तमिल नाडु दूध का भी प्रमुख उत्पादक है। दोहापनय Ex:  "White chocolate" contains cocoa butter, sugar, and milk but no cocoa solids . बालसात्म्य Ex:  Usually this is done by acidifying the milk and adding rennet. रसोत्तम Ex:  Usually this is done by acidifying the milk and adding rennet. वारिसाम्य Ex:  The Official State Drink of Rhode Island is coffee milk वारिसाम्य Ex:  The Official State Drink of Rhode Island is coffee milk सुधारस Ex:  Instead, milk is released through pores in the skin. सुधारस Ex:  Instead, milk is released through pores in the skin.
As verb : दुभना Ex:  fortified milk दुहना Ex:  Goats milk is good for health. प्रदोहन Ex:  Although pre-made soy milk may be used
Other : छीर Ex:  Keep milk and icecream refrigerated. पय Ex:  Some of these glands produce milk शीर Ex:  Strawberry milk is also popular. उ:   वन्वाग्ड़े मे फीरते हो शीर पर डाली धूल आंक, धतूरो वीजया खाओ।
Milk ki paribhasha : stan se doodh nichodkar nikaalana paudhon ka shvet ras jo doodh sa hota hai saphed rng ka vah prasiddh taral padaarth jo stanapaayi jivon ki maada ke stanon men rahata hai aur jisase unake bachchon ka bahut dinon tak poshan hota hai
Milk synonyms
cream condensed raw skim formula whole goat buttermilk half-and-half homogenized chalk pasteurized powdered evaporated laiche low fat moo juice two-percent extort drain wring evoke suck extract bleed evince exhaust use fleece express siphon elicit pump empty draw off impose on let out take advantage take out
Milk antonyms
hoard leave alone save
Usage of Milk in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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