Minister to meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Minister to
As noun : उपकारण Ex:  Mother Teresa traveled to assist and minister to the hungry in Ethiopia
सेवा करना Ex:  Go to minister to the bishop, etc
Minister to synonyms
watch doctor mind do for be in the service of look after take care of wait upon work for gratify humor purvey supply procure outfit pamper spoil indulge baby coddle provision furnish cotton victual pander to restore repair relieve rehabilitate mend remedy redress alleviate rectify ameliorate correct improve right help palliate dose better medicate shake kick cold turkey dry out kick the habit make better make healthy make whole quit cold restore to health sweat it out nourish raise favor oblige house assist shelter entertain sustain cherish lodge harbor rear bring up care for soothe reconcile regenerate rebuild rejuvenate revive settle fix revivify knit resuscitate reanimate free renovate compose conciliate convalesce harmonize salve renew bring around patch up physic get well make sound make well put on feet again protect run continue support manage maintain conduct operate feed shield subsidize defend direct ordain administer guard command board nurture safeguard endure carry on watch over vaccinate cradle immunize further cultivate sit father inoculate encourage forward preserve irradiate promote baby-sit advance succor mother aid wait on keep an eye on keep alive keep tabs on see to take charge of watch out for play handle give provide distribute deliver hit present deal arrange attend to be of assistance be of use dish up set out control accomplish perform shepherd superintend supervise oversee corral ride herd on cater to see after take under wing prescribe medicament apply treatment
Minister to antonyms
ignore disregard neglect be lazy be absent disappoint hurt damage destroy injure ruin harm weaken worsen break spoil depress decrease hinder thwart refuse condemn abandon drop stop turn away discourage worry unsettle upset kill finish halt cease discontinue deprive endanger deny disperse hand over release dishonor starve leave forget mismanage consume give give up let go let happen block impede obstruct refrain withhold keep take receive forsake relinquish renounce resign fail
Usage of Minister to in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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