Mirthless meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mirthless
As adjective :
Mirthless synonyms
pessimistic dour sullen solemn forlorn sad ugly glum dismal depressed miserable blue funk cheerless crestfallen dejected desolate despondent disconsolate dispirited down in the mouth downcast downhearted joyless low moody morose mournful oppressed saturnine sulky surly weary woebegone woeful crabbed broody chapfallen down in the dumps dragged in low spirits moping mopish pensive somber wistful trite sorrowful grim downbeat destroyed doleful dolorous droopy funereal heavyhearted lachrymose low-spirited lugubrious sorry wet blanket moony down and out in blue funk saddened saddening torn up troubled bleak dreary oppressive put away heavy-hearted teary bleeding bummed out hurting in a blue funk in pain let-down long-faced ripped black dark
Mirthless antonyms
cheerful joyful glad pleasant animated content encouraged vivacious encouraging exhilarating bright happy light comforted hopeful rich sunny sparkling uplifting gay decent heartened above elated joyous fortunate lucky timely
Usage of Mirthless in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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