Mobilize meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mobilize
As verb : इस्तेमाल करना Ex:  This made it impossible to quickly mobilize a trained army.
चालू करना Ex:  It has demonstrated its capability to mobilize तैयार रखना Ex:  It means in terms of military administration, Action mobilize troops प्रचलित करना Ex:  We had to mobilize older classes बर्तना Ex:  We just mobilize covering troops युद्ध की तैयारी करना संघटित करना संसज्जन करना सघंटित करना सेना को लडाई के काम के लिए चलाना सेना को लड़ाई के काम के लिए चलाना सैन्य सज्जन करना
Other : तैयार करना Ex:  Action Case mobilize
Mobilize synonyms
assemble organize marshal prepare activate propel muster gather actuate drive impel rally animate circulate call to arms catalyze call up get ready make ready put in motion set in motion set off
Mobilize antonyms
disorganize disperse scatter dissuade repress retard slow demobilize hold back stop divide separate discourage check end halt
Usage of Mobilize in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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