Monopoly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Monopoly
As noun : एकाधिकार, एकाधिपत्य Ex:  Watt's monopoly may have prevented other inventors
एकाधिकार Ex:  Their trade was later forbidden by Danish monopoly merchants. उ:   व्यापारों का एकाधिकार अरबों को प्राप्त था। एकाधिपत्य Ex:  Though the Indian Railways enjoys a near monopoly in India उ:   उनका राज्य काल में एकाधिपत्य बंध होने लगा। किसी वस्तु के बेचने का समस्त अधिकार Ex:  Japan enjoyed a monopoly in North China and Manchukuo पूर्ण नियंट्रन Ex:  Indian Railways has a total state monopoly on India's rail transport. विक्रय का अधिकार Ex:  "who had made a monopoly of the stage
Other : इजारा Ex:  Iowa is an alcohol monopoly or Alcoholic beverage control state. इजारेदारी Ex:  Wild held a virtual monopoly on crime in London.
Monopoly synonyms
patent trust cartel holding ownership syndicate proprietorship corner pool copyright oligopoly consortium possessorship
Monopoly antonyms
sharing distribution scattering joint-ownership
Usage of Monopoly in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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