Monotonous meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Monotonous
As noun : निरश Ex:  Conduct a monotonous
As adjective :
एक ही स्वर में Ex:  A monotonous sound and asleep एकस्वर Ex:  By extension, monotonous speaker, Speaker whose flow is not varied थकाने वाली Ex:  Character of what is monotonous
Other : इकतार Ex:  A cold and monotonous colors एकरस Ex:  A style, a monotonous speech समस्वर Ex:  His reading is monotonous
Monotonous synonyms
tedious repetitious boring repetitive dreary humdrum tiresome dull blah colorless flat nothing pedestrian prosaic recurrent soporific unchanged unchanging uniform uninteresting unvarying wearisome monotone treadmill unrelieved wearying ho-hum plodding banausic droning dull as dishwater flat as pancake puts one to sleep reiterated samely sing-song toneless uninflected unvaried
Monotonous antonyms
exciting interesting eventful lively changing variable versatile bright clear light ever-changing
Usage of Monotonous in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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