Mood meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mood
As noun : अवस्था Ex:  in an optimistic mood उ:   उस समय आपकी अवस्था चार वर्ष की थी।
आऊषा Ex:  Somber mood is not good for health. उपदेशता Ex:  shivam is in very crunky mood for his interview. क्रिया का भेद Ex:  I was in a meditative mood when she surprised me. चितवृत्ति Ex:  I woke up in such a good mood today . तपम्विता Ex:  Depending upon the performer's mood and personal experience पनोती Ex:  Subjunctive mood is occasionally used for some verbs भावदशा Ex:  Bad mood उ:   अब वातावरण, चित्रण, भावदशा आदि सभी के लिए संगीत की योजना होने लगी। मन का वेग Ex:  be an angry mood मनोदशा Ex:  be mocking mood उ:   अतएव इस मनोदशा को दूसरा बचपन कहा जा सकता है। मूड Ex:  be mood has उ:   संगीत हमारे मूड को बदल देता है। वएस Ex:  be subject to mood वस्थां Ex:  By extension, Forcing his tastes, his mood वानप्रस्थ्य Ex:  Enjoy a day he good mood will be समवस्था Ex:  For threat, I will him to spend his mood ह्वाल Ex:  Forcing his inclination, his mood मुद्रा उ:   की मुद्रा में आने लगा।
Other : आँख Ex:  The dreariness of the weather drearily affected my mood उ:   उसकी आँख की रोशनी चली जाती है। चित्त वृत्ति Ex:  The public's mood had shifted मनःस्थिति Ex:  Be in a good mood, good mood माहौल Ex:  The first movement is in sonata form, and the mood is often stormy. उ:   वह अपने माहौल से निर्देशित होता है। मिजाज Ex:  This horseshoe-shaped structure is a center for both mood and memory.
Mood ki paribhasha : sada bana rahanevaala mool ya pradhaan gun kisi padaarth ka vah mool gun jo sada bana rahe vedaant darshan ke anusaar manushy ki chaar avasthaaean- jaagrata, svapna, sushupti aur turiy gorakhapnthi saadhooon ke pahanane ka ek karnabhooshan jo praayaः kaaanch va sphatik ka hota hai
Mood synonyms
emotion atmosphere color personality scene attitude tendency humor character spirit inclination disposition temperament response condition desire frame of mind wish air aura feeling individuality whim bent fancy strain crotchet tenor blues depression caprice propensity cue melancholy semblance vein doldrums vagary timbre soul dumps pleasure affection high spirits low spirits
Mood antonyms
physicality dislike hate hatred gladness happiness antipathy joy health
Usage of Mood in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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