Moth eaten meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Moth eaten
As noun : चिरत्न
जर्जारित पुरातम पुराना उ:   परन्तु इस स्थान का इतिहास बहुत पुराना है। पूब प्रतन प्रवया प्रीण फरसूदा बटवायक महल्लक
Moth eaten ki paribhasha : kisi dhaava, gaddhe ya khaali jagah ko kisi vastu se chhek dena
Moth eaten synonyms
antiquated archaic decayed decrepit dilapidated moribund old-fashioned worn-out elderly antique gray antediluvian shot passã© rusty senior citizen timeworn venerable age-old oldie been around creaky getting on over the hill senescent worse for wear hoary bygone fossil relic remote early older primal primeval primordial superannuated back number few miles on lot of mileage old goat tedious mundane monotonous stodgy humdrum tiring dull lifeless stupid stuffy tiresome tame uninteresting flat commonplace bomb bummer plebeian stereotyped zero dead nothing drag drab routine cloying arid colorless insipid interminable irksome prosaic repetitious spiritless unexciting vapid wearisome bromidic nowhere drudging characterless ho hum unvaried well-worn corny banal conventional everyday hokey overworked pedestrian quotidian run-of-the-mill stock tripe unoriginal familiar tune old-chestnut old-hat old-saw played-out dirty impoverished indigent mean poor shoddy sick sleazy squalid ragtag putrid crumbling fetid moldy smelly airless dank dry filthy frowzy malodorous noisome rotten spoiled dried-out mildewed mildewy discarded done for dusty extinct kaput superseded unfashionable anachronistic dead and gone dinosaur disused had it has-been horse and buggy old-school out-of-fashion outworn primitive former traditional old-time past aboriginal erstwhile immemorial late once onetime pristine sometime quondam cast-off demode of old of yore oldfangled time-worn behind the times square tired vintage anachronous dã©modã© not with it out-of-style bent obsolescent unusable fossilized unstylish torn serrated broken rent jagged rough disorganized notched contemptible crude desultory dingy irregular rugged seedy shaggy tacky uneven unfinished unkempt fragmented frayed frazzled shredded patched battered badly dressed badly worn down at the heel full of holes in holes in rags in tatters poorly made scraggy unpressed scruffy bedraggled disheveled grubby grungy messy sloppy unclean uncombed ungroomed ratty run-down decaying pitiful desolate crummy ramshackle rickety deteriorated disreputable faded meager miserable neglected poverty-stricken ruined ruinous slipshod wretched degenerated deteriorating disfigured dog-eared gone to seed shopworn clichã© clichã©d effete fusty mawkish clichã©-ridden like a dinosaur zestless yesterday's ripped in shreds torn to pieces imitative set bathetic uncreative chain drained exhausted jejune old hat ordinary uninspired ready-made cornball used-up old as methuselah old as the hills cliched broken-down rundown all the worse for wear cure down-at-heel pot dreary weary
Moth eaten antonyms
modern up-to-date young youthful new recent fresh unripe current exciting interesting lively eventful intelligent unusual fascinating smart bright different original uncommon neat kempt perfumed sweet clean clear sweet-smelling unused in vogue contemporary present fashionable popular new-fangled polite fixed smooth complete nice tidy healthy stable honorable good happy respectable active underused unworn impressive pertinent relevant desirable important energized invigorated refreshed
Usage of Moth eaten in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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