Motile meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Motile
As adjective : अनिविशामान Ex:  Most animals are motile - they can move spontaneously and independently.
इतिक Ex:  The name comes from the posterior location of the flagellum in motile cells उच्चल Ex:  Many eukaryotes have long slender motile cytoplasmic projections उदास्थित गतिक्षम गतिमान् गतियोग्य (वनस्पति गतिशील उ:   लोक प्रशासन एक गतिशील एवं विकासशील विषय है। चच्चल चर उ:   इनमें निवेश एवं आउटपुट सभी सतत चर के रूप में होते हैं। चरणयु चलने में सक्षम चलायमान छछहा जविन नद्यत्सृष्ट पेस्वर प्रजवन प्रतिष्क प्रतिष्कस बालूचरा बिचल बिसर्पी मनकूला रभू वल्लणहार वार्तायन वावसू शद्रु सचर स्पश हलकार हेरा
Motile ki paribhasha : kaagaja, kapade aadi ke phatane ka shabd
Motile synonyms
roving liquid itinerant fluid free migrant peripatetic ambulatory wandering locomotive adaptable changeable loose migratory motorized mutable nomadic roaming unsettled unstable unsteady versatile unstationary unsteadfast adjustable removable separable transferable unattached conveyable deployable detachable in parts liftable not fastened not fixed on wheels portative shiftable turnable unfastened changing flying jumping running going shifting walking progressing evolving traversing climbing advancing unfixed traveling
Motile antonyms
settled immobile stable stationary unmovable solid fixed immovable permanent untransportable unemotional unexciting unmoving unaffecting
Usage of Motile in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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