Mushroom meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mushroom
As noun : कुकरमुत्ता Ex:  Mushroom farming and mushroom gathering are large industries in many countries.
कुकुरमुत्ता इकट्ठा करना Ex:  Many mushroom species are toxic to humans तेज़ी से फैलना तेज़ी से बढ़ना सर्पच्छत्र, सर्पच्छत्रक
As verb : छत्रक (खुम्बी Ex:  Sort of edible mushroom that grows in spring and whose hat small cavities like a sponge
Other : अहिच्छत्रक Ex:  Another mushroom of the Russula genus was renamed as the Shaman's mushroom कुकुरमुत्ता Ex:  Feel this sauce mushroom taste? I felt my heart beat खुंबी Ex:  In terms of Arts, he said of a support, usually of wood, whose top is shaped like a mushroom and on which one poses woman hats, wigs, etc खुंभी Ex:  In terms of Botany, de Vesse Vesse wolf or wolf, mushroom Sort of which is as full of wind and dust गगनधूल Ex:  mushroom dish छत्र Ex:  negro head, mushroom Sort उ:   मुख्य शिखर सबसे ऊंचा है, जिसपर चाँदी का छत्र शोभा पाता है। छत्रक Ex:  The cap of a mushroom उ:   पत्रदल छत्रक कें पूरे आकार से लेकर एक चौथाई आकार तक के हो सकते हैं। छत्राक
Mushroom ki paribhasha : kukura- mutte ka ek bhed pataav ya chhat jisake niche se raasta ho
Mushroom synonyms
explode proliferate boom burgeon flourish expand detonate augment burst luxuriate increase spread blow up go off shoot up grow rapidly spring up
Mushroom antonyms
decrease shrivel fail shrink diminish
Usage of Mushroom in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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