agitating meaning in marathi

Word: agitating
Meaning of agitating in english - shake physically, disturb, trouble someone

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
khombakar ( खोंबकर )
Synonyms of agitating
churn beat toss rock convulse rouse stir concuss work up perturb excite alarm confuse distract inflame fluster incite disconcert move examine arouse debate craze discompose ventilate disquiet bug worry ferment dispute ruffle flurry spook discuss upset unhinge argue stimulate egg on turn on bug up burn up get to make flip psych
Antonyms of agitating
calm lull quiet soothe tranquilize not bother appease comfort pacify reassure organize explain discourage order clarify agree go along
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
agonyagreement of ideasagreementagricultural implement made of ironagricultural landagriculturalistagricultureaheadalarmalasalchemistalchemyalcoholic drink made of the sap of a palm treealertalikealiveall aroundall beings or the five elements collectivelyall day longall deities except the supreme god collectivelyall eight three-hour watches of the dayall fiveall four vedasall fourall moving and stationary thingsall nineall over the bodyall over the houseall over the landall right