beautiful meaning in marathi

Word: beautiful
Meaning of beautiful in english - physically attractive

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
saundar ( सौंदर )
Synonyms of beautiful
alluring cute fascinating magnificent marvelous graceful fine dazzling superb wonderful delightful pretty grand lovely gorgeous stunning charming good-looking delicate handsome pleasing splendid elegant appealing exquisite admirable angelic classy comely divine excellent fair foxy ideal nice radiant ravishing refined resplendent shapely statuesque sublime symmetrical beauteous bewitching enticing pulchritudinous sightly taking
Antonyms of beautiful
repulsive insignificant paltry uncouth horrible drab inelegant disgusting grotesque hideous unattractive homely ugly bad offensive poor ordinary awkward coarse rough crude unrefined inferior dull
Identical words :
beautiful women of the padminī type - nalanijaati ( नळनीजाति )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
because of being pleasedbecause of māyābecause of previous meritorious deedsbecoming a disciplebecoming a renouncerbecoming twice as greatbed consisting of a wooden frame with strips of cloth woven across itbeautifulbecause ofbed coverbed made of swan feathersbed of blissbed prepared for planting seedlingsbecomebed with a canopybed with a mattressbed with a silk coverbeddingbedroom servantbedroom where one is happybedstead and a mattressbee trapped in a budbees waxbefallenbedbegging bag or satchelbegging bowl made out of an earthen potbegging for almsbedroombedstead