deal meaning in marathi

Word: deal
Meaning of deal in english - agreement, bargain, amount, share, distribution of playing cards, do business, distribute

Meanings in marathi :

sãvataar ( संवतार )
Synonyms of deal
pact accord transaction pledge contract arrangement compromise buy conception understanding prearrangement abundance extent degree plethora superabundance portion plenty shake quantity opportunity game appointment chance round hand cut and shuffle fresh start sell handle negotiate trade treat barter dicker traffic swap bicker stock buy and sell hammer out deal horse trade knock down price work out deal participate give drop divide render disburse administer disperse inflict measure disseminate divvy impart strike dispense partake deliver bestow apportion partition allot reward assign dish out dole out hand out come across with fork out fork over
Antonyms of deal
denial dissension refusal disagreement misunderstanding lack little scarcity few need want deny refuse hold keep combine unite conceal withhold attach collect gather join retain
Identical words :
As noun :
dealings - ghadaamodi ( घडामोडी )
dealing - saara ( सारा )
dealer in bangles - kansaar ( कंसार )
dealer in money - vevhaara ( वेव्हारा )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
dealer in banglesdealer in moneydealingdealingsdear but kodear frienddear to kāmadear wifedeardeath regarded as a villagedeath the enemydeathdeathlessdebased metaldebatedebaterdebt of the motherdebtdebtordecapitatingdeceitdeceitfuldecentdeceptiondeceptivedecisiondecorateddecoratingdecorationdecorations