easily removable meaning in marathi

Word: easily removable

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
kanchukavat ( कंचुकवत )
चोळी- प्रमाणे सहज काढता येण्याजोगे
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
easilyeasterneasy mode of meditationeasy to obtaineasy to understandeater of leaveseating and drinkingeating by more than one person from the same plateeating foodeating forbidden foodseating together in the same roweddyedgeedging but koedging on the top of a charioteffect and causeeasyeatingebbingeffectseffort made by a dry emotionless seeker to imagine viraha separation from godeffort to intensify or enlargeeight kinds of objects of pleasureechoedgingedibleeffecteight principal mountainseight principal wiveseighteen