gain meaning in marathi

Word: gain
Meaning of gain in english - acquisition, winnings, acquire, win

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
soe ( सोए )
Synonyms of gain
advance cut return advantage profit hike rise share yield improvement increase benefit growth earnings income dividend payoff boost proceeds achievement progress gravy velvet lucre addition accrual produce advancement attainment accretion headway take increment buildup emolument accumulation receipts upping secure obtain have build up make pick up score get reach promote reap realize expand collect ameliorate parlay perfect capture accomplish glean enlarge net complete annex procure overtake harvest land augment clear gather enlist succeed consummate fulfill bring in rack up make a killing move forward
Antonyms of gain
stagnation debt disadvantage hindrance loss decrease harm hurt injury diminishment misfortune reduction shrinkage stoppage expenditure forfeit forfeiture failure handicap decline worsening bills deduction waste injure give in surrender lessen weaken destroy ruin dissuade prevent demote hinder release give up lose miss discourage halt lower spend throw away yield depart leave free let go neglect plant exhaust
Identical words :
gain and its maintenance - yogakshem ( योगक्षेम )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
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