in all meaning in marathi

Word: in all
Meaning of in all in english - altogether, completely, intensively

Meanings in marathi :

evaim ( एवैम )
Synonyms of in all
en masse generally all told bodily all in all all things considered by and large collectively conjointly everything considered everything included for the most part in sum in toto on the whole taken together unconditionally ultimately perfectly absolutely fully wholly effectively finally utterly thoroughly quite totally competently exclusively extensively unabridged unanimously conclusively exhaustively comprehensively all the way from A to Z from beginning to end heart and soul hook line and sinker in entirety in full on all counts painstakingly solidly to the end to the limit to the max to the nth degree undividedly without omission inside out in and out
Antonyms of in all
partly incompletely partially
Identical words :
in all four directions - chaumerichaumheri ( चौमेरी-चौम्हेरी )
in all aspects - sarvayugat ( सर्वयुगत )
in all matters - saavikhin ( साविखीं )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
in an instantin an intermediate positionin another wayin betweenin broad daylightin cashin close proximityin clustersin conjunctionin contact within critical conditionin detailin due coursein due timein each furrowin each lifein every lanein every nook and crannyin excellencein exchangein factin frontin gulpsin hastein imitationin just a momentin layersin length and breadthin letters or wordsin many ways