land grant meaning in marathi

Word: land grant

Meanings in marathi :

kshetravriti ( क्षेत्रवृती )
वृत्तीची शेतजमीन
Identical words :
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
land granted to a brāhmaṇa for his livelihoodland of muslimsland of pleasureland on the slope of a mountainland or a village donated to a brāhmaṇa for his maintenanceland providing many sources of revenueland that produces coconuts betel nuts etcland under cultivationlandlanguishinglapis lazulilapse of timelapwinglarge army consisting of thousands of chariots elephants horses and footmenlanelanguagelaplarge banyan tree so dense that it blocks out the daylightlarge bell that hangs from the neck of an elephant and whose ringing is meant to encourage warriorslarge budlarge bullock cartlarge cannonlarge clay water storage jarlarge cymbal made of bell metallarge earthen jarlarge earthen pot for storing waterlarge earthen vessel with a large mouthlarge earthen water potlarge group of peoplelarge hole