many meaning in marathi

Word: many
Meaning of many in english - profuse, abundant, abundance, a lot

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
raasaek ( रासएक )
Synonyms of many
abounding bountiful copious countless crowded frequent innumerable legion manifold multifarious multiplied multitudinous myriad numberless numerous plentiful populous prevalent rife several sundry teeming umpteen uncounted varied various bounteous divers alive with lousy with multifold no end of horde mass multitude oodles plenty scads throng jillion gobs heaps large numbers piles scores thousands tons
Antonyms of many
Identical words :
many kinds of - daatodaativaati ( दाटोदाटी--वाटी )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
maraudingmark daubed or smeared on the foreheadmark drawn on the foreheadmark made with kuṅkuma powdermark on the foreheadmark on viṣṇus chestmarkmarked daubed or smeared on the foreheadmarked with three linesmarkedmarket named after lord kṛṣṇamarket placemarket ratemarketmarketing agent or officermarking nutmarriage altarmarriage by forcemarriage ceremonymarriage ritualmarriagemarriageable girlmarried lifemarried woman who leaves her husband and goes to live with another manmarshy landmarvelmarvellousmarāṭhā or mahārāṣṭrianmarāṭhīmash of boiled millet