mattress meaning in marathi

Word: mattress
Meaning of mattress in english - bedding

Meanings in marathi :

supavati ( सुपवती )
Synonyms of mattress
cushion futon pallet springs box spring
Identical words :
mattress filled with water - paanituli ( पानितुळी )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
mature reflectionmaturematuritymaybembtk p 173 col 1mbtk p 76memeagremeal consisting entirely of white foodsmeal eaten together by cowherd boys in the pasturemeal of rice and curds eaten together by cowherd boysmealmeanmeaningmeaningfulmeaningfulnessmeaningless actmeaningless chattermeaningless cluttermeaningless namemeaninglessmeans for luring a beautiful womanmeans of crossing the ocean of worldly existencemeans of exorcising ghost possessionmeans or agent of releasemeans to an endmeans to knowledgemeansmeasure of distancemeasure of five seers