prenatal ritual meaning in marathi

Word: prenatal ritual

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
aapachaarienaapachaaryen ( आपचारिएं-आपचार्ये )
मूल जन्मास येण्यापुर्वीचा एक विधि
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
preparationpreparations for a retreatpreparationsprepared by decoctionpreparedness for battle or travelpresent of a personal belonging made by a divine incarnation to a devoteepresent-daypresentationpresentlypreparedpreparednesspresentpressedpresser of oilpressure but ṭīkāpressureprestigiouspretensepretextpretty noseprettypreviouspreviouslypreypricepricelessprickpride and jealousypride in being victoriouspriest engaged in a sacrifice