propinquity meaning in marathi

Word: propinquity

Meanings in marathi :

saahaavaas ( साहावास )
शेजाऱ्यांची सोबत
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Related English Marathi Meaning
propounder of the khyāti viewprosperityprostituteprostitutes laneprostrateprostrationprotecting her subjects that is her devoteesprotectingprotection of the unwidowed stateprotectionprotective covering made of grassprotector of religionprotector of the battlefieldprotector who shows special mercyprotectorprotégéproud shoutingproudproverbprovinceprovisionprovisions for a journeyprovisions of foodprovisionsproximitypseudo poetpublic censurepublic crier who beats a drum and makes announcementspublic criers drumpublic event in which a young woman chosses her own husband