sour meaning in marathi

Word: sour

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
aambad ( आंबड )
Identical words :
sour drink - aamb ( आंब )
sour buttermilk gruel - aambilali ( आंबिल--ली )
source - suti ( सुती )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
sourcesouth indiasouthsoutheastsouthernsovereignsowing of seedssowing timesowingspacespacelessspacelessnessspacioussparksparklingsparrowspasmspatespeakerspeakingspear with a cloth coverspearspearmanspecial characteristicspecial kind of fruit vegetable animal etcspecialspeciesspecificallyspeech in the first of its four stagesspeech that tends to ignite controversy