the king of seasons meaning in marathi

Word: the king of seasons

Meanings in marathi :

rituraaj ( रितुराज )
ऋतूंचा राजा
वसंत ऋतू
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Related English Marathi Meaning
the king of secretsthe kings sharethe knowledge given by the deity māyāthe knowledge i am hethe knowledge obtained by cauraṅgīnātha of how to recreate ones bodily limbs see cauraṅgīthe kuṇḍalinī power as the vital breaththe land between two regionsthe land of the abhīrasthe land where the kannaḍa language is usedthe language of mahārāṣṭra marāṭhīthe language of specialized knowledgethe language of the āryansthe larynxthe last breaththe last of the four kinds of speechthe leadthe leader of a group of devoteesthe leader of a group of donorsthe leader of a unit of an armythe leader of a villagethe leader of an armythe leader of śivas gaṇasthe leadership of a group of devoteesthe leadership of an armythe leading or topmost positionthe leading women of a townthe left shoulderthe length marked by stretching out both arms on opposite sides of the bodythe letter athe letter u in the holy syllable oṃ ie ā-u-ṃ