to bow down respectfully to meaning in marathi

Word: to bow down respectfully to

Meanings in marathi :

As transitive verb :
abhivandane ( अभिवंदणे )
अभिवंदन, नमस्कार करणे
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to bow down toto bow respectfully toto bow toto bragto brandish a weaponto brandishto bowto brandto brayto break into piecesto break loose from a hold rto break upto break with a cracking soundto breathe hardto breathe heavilyto bring back to lifeto breakto breatheto brightento bring downto bring forthto bring into orderto bring into practiceto bring to a conclusionto bring to a haltto bring to lifeto bring to lightto bring togetherto bring upto bring